Minggu, 04 Agustus 2013

Crush On Him

“Just because it didn’t last forever, doesn’t mean it wasn’t worth it!”
This is the story about a girl who had crush on a guy.
They stayed in Alfalfa, Pare, Kediri, East Java.
She saw him for the first time in the Public Speaking Class two weeks ago. It was raining, and the weather was so gloomy. Her days had been blue. When she first noticed his existence among those people, she thought, “Who is that??”
…and that how she began to spend her days with all of hope seeing him in her afternoon class.
She always met him in afternoon class. It was kinda fun class when she could enjoy the class and watch him at the same time. That is why afternoon class became her favorite one, beside big class and public speaking class.
She got her first conversation class on Saturday. She wished she could get him as her partner to talk in every conversation class, but… it was just a hope…
There’s one thing about him that has attracted her the most. His hair. His nice thin, and straight black hair. She would imagine running her fingers through his clean-cut hair, burry her fingers deep and gently pull the hair.
They talked once, just at introduction class. He’s an ice block. Because she’s too shy, she never has ability to break the ice.
Then, on sunny Thursday morning, she heard that he would come back home. She did anything to get his phone number and asked him to meet up. And finally….
Thursday, 17.50, at the food stall.
She said, “I wanna say something to you…”
He turned to her and said, “What do you wanna talk?”
She started to talk, “So listen, this your last day in Pare and after this you will come back home. You will not be here anymore. Before you leave, I just want to tell you something. You don’t’t have to say or do anything, or even react. Just listen. Okay?”
She took a deep breath and said, “I have been really attracted to you…”
She looked relax, but she actually couldn’t even look at his eyes.
She said, “I think… you have nice hair. Nice thin and straight black hair..”
He looked at her very surprised and said, “Oo really? How come?”
“Yeah because from the first time I saw you in Public Speaking Class two weeks ago. You looked so different, and I really liked your hair.”
He smiled. For about two seconds, they looked at each other in silence. Both of them seemed pretty surprised.
She breathed out. “There. I said it!”
“Anyway, when will you come back home?”, he asked.
“It will be on 31st July then I’ll go back…”
“Thank you for listening.” She smiled at him. She felt fine.
He said, “Emm no. I thank you… Emm well, I gotta go now. Someone will take me to the station.”
“Ooh ya.. Sure. Pretty much thank you. Nice to meet you,”
“My pleasure. Enjoy your break fasting anyway. Nice too meet you too…”
She walked very fast into the food stall, didn’t even dare to look back. She smiled and said to herself, “This is the proudest thing of my life.”
She had a crush on this guy.
She told him about it.
She doesn’t expect anything from him.
She doesn’t even care.
But that was just relieving.
She doesn’t have anything to lose.
But she just really enjoys herself being honest.

Sabtu, 02 Februari 2013

Usir 'mereka' yuk!

Sekarang aku terlihat semakin gemuk. Iya, body-ku tak se-proporsional dulu. (Emang pernah proporsional?) Ya enggak juga sih. Tapi ini serius, perutku semakin merajalela. Lemaknya pengen jalan-jalan kemana-mana. Celana jeans sekarang juga tak semulus dulu makenya. Agak tersendat giu ya dibagian perut. Apa salahku, Tuhan... *elap ingus*

Hmm... Eengg... Gemuk... Gendut... Gembrot...
Sakit nggak sih kalo dikatain kayak gitu? Tersinggung nggak sih... Kalo aku sih agak sakit ya. Agak tersingggung juga. Ya walaupun yang dia katakan itu sesuai realita kalo kita itu gendut atau terlihat gendutan. Nggak ada salahnya juga sih kalo ada orang lain ngatain kita gendut atau gendutan. Bebas, mulut juga mulut dia. Tergantung objek yang dikatain itu sensitif apa enggak. Mau nerima atau enggak.
Ini kenapa kita jadi ngomongin tentang gendut sih-____-

Jadi gini...

Ini semua gara-gara bertambahnya jumlah lemak diperut dan pipiku yang membuat sebagian orang terdekatku berkomentar yang kurang sedep ditelinga. Ini mengganggu. Serius. Walaupun aku tahu, mereka sebenarnya peduli.

Ibuku : "Dek, itu lho perutmu apa nggak bisa dibesarin lagi? Biar nggelambir-nggelambir sekalian?"

Temen SMA : "Hiii Lulu... Sekarang gendutan ya. Makmur yaaa..."

Tetangga : "Mbak Lulu, wis gedhi ya saiki, Soyo gendut sisan"

Besties : "Nok, sekarang gembrot je.."

Pacar : "Sayang, kamu nggak gendut kok. Percaya aku, kamu itu gembrot."

What the hell are they talking about. It truly made me sick to hear those damnsh*t. But, well, those are true. I'm getting fat, and it's not good. Ini bahaya. Ba-ha-ya. Perut jadi melambai-lambai setiap ketemu baju yang ngepres dikit. Muka jadi lebih pemilih dalam berkerudung. Style nya harus pas sama muka yang makin tembem. Oh God, thank you ini anugrah. I'm so sorry kalau aku cuma bisa ngeluh Ya Tuhan.

Ah iya.. Kenapa ya aku harus ngambek-ngambek nggak jelas gini. Harusnya kritikan-kritikan mereka dong ya yang harus jadi motivasi aku. Aku udah nyadar kalo jadi gendut itu nggak baik. Kalo jadi gendut itu berat. Justru mereka-merekalah yang sudah menyadarkan aku untuk memperbaiki semua. Aku harus bisa ngecilin perutku. Itu yang terpenting. Coba bayangkan kalo aku punya perut segedhe gaban. Mana muat kalo pake dress panjang nan seksi. Pake gamis pun akan terlihat gembrot bak emak-emak yang udah beranak dua. Apalagi kalo dipakein KEBAYA pas badan? Itu perut bisa lari kemana-mana euy!

"OLAHRAGA LULU... OLAHRAGA...", ucap seorang sahabat. Iya juga ya, aku harus rajin olahraga buat membakar lemak-lemak jahat ini. Aku harus banyakin gerak, biar sering keluarin keringat. Ya walaupun aku tetap terlihat cantik meski gemuk :D Tapi bagaimana dengan lemak-lemak ini. Kamu mau biarin mereka semakin merajalela. Hih!

usir mereka yuk!!

Sekarang misi pengusiran lemak sudah dimulai. Dari mulai jogging keliling stadion, banyak minum air putih, kontrol makan. Dan sekarang masih planning buat menjalankan olahraga yang fokus ke perut. Itu susah mameeen! Jogging aja udah susah banget ( ya karna nggak biasa olahraga ini ). Semoga bisa bertahan lah ya. Semoga perut bisa semakin kecil, kecil, kecil, sixpack. Hahaha. Amiieenn.

Wish me LUCK!! Sedikit demi sedikit, lemaknya ilang tinggal langsingnya... Amiieennn. :9

With ,
