Selasa, 24 Mei 2016


When our best friend's relationship did not work well, we will be like :( :( :(

The absence of direct communication is probably the main reason why long distance relationship rarely works. I believe that presence matters, a lot. Distance is not about time and space, because two people live together could have the longest distance. In the end, your heart beats the presence.

And you know, having a long-term relationship sounds good, but this long-term relationship needs kind of solution in which you do repairing when some parts of it do not work well, instead of changing to new ones.

Whether something or someone, it has the same pattern; we repair the broken part, not change a whole thing to a new one.

Good luck!
Have a long last relationship, everyone!

Senin, 16 Mei 2016

Beauty Class with Emina Cosmetics

It was like a two to tango. Planning to attend #88lovelifesoiree at Jogja and I joined a beauty class for free. Yeay!

It was a gloomy day but not for my face (and my mood). I was so surprised when they announced to open the beauty class part 2 and only for 25 persons. Happy? Alhamdulillah. Because this was the first time I joined a beauty class, and held by Emina Cosmetics.

So, do you know Emina Cosmetics? Emina Cosmetics brand apa sih? Brand baru kah? 

Well, Emina Cosmetic is a local brand yang masih satu pabrik sama Wardah and Make Over. Hanya saja Emina Cosmetics ini didesign untuk anak remaja dan masih kuliah. Contohnya, diriku. Hehehe. Karena didesign khusus untuk para remaja dan anak kuliahan, jadi bentuk dan packaging dari Emina ini lucu-lucu bingits, gemesin. So, for those who are still young and still afraid to choose what make up brand you should buy, hmmm bisa tuh pilih Emina Cosmetics.

picture courtesy: @monicaagustami

As you know, this beauty class was free. I got the make up tutorial by kak Monica Agustami ( beauty blogger Jogja) and also a beauty package. So happy that now I know how to apply foundation, eye shadow, and make a good eyebrow. Thanks kak Monic atas ilmunya.

Selain harganya terjangkau, ternyata produk Emina nggak cuma makeup doang, tapi ada skincare nya juga. Produk yang aku dapat adalah face wash, shower gel dan sun protection. Banyak banget produk-produk dari Emina Cosmetics dan semua packagingnya lucu-lucu. Kalau kalian masih penasaran tentang produk-produk Emina, langsung aja cuss ke TKP yah,

yeay, we got the goodie bag

my beautiful kind-hearted partner in Jogja

What inside my beauty package? Here they are...

And last but not least, thank you so so much kak Diana Rikasari and Kak Dinda Puspitasari for the sharing and experience! Love!

What is the best make up? Do you know how to make the best make up? That is JOY.
Joy is the best makeup. Anne Lammot.


#88lovelifeSOIREE in Jogja

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Remember the last blog post I posted? Yup, that is about #88lovelife vol. 2, and I was listed as one of the winners of #88lofelifeblogcompetition and I got a chance to meet Diana Rikasari and Dinda Puspitasari on #88lovelifeSOIREE at Lokal Resto Jogjakarta. OMG, it was like a dream for me. Meeting up with Diana Rikasari is one of my wishlist in 2016, and I got a jackpot cause I met Dinda Puspitasari too. Yeay!

Alhamdulillahirabbil'alamin, finally on Sunday 15 May 2016, achievement unlocked! I met Kak Di and Kak Dins. It was also my first time coming to Jogjakarta alone. Kak Diana Rikasari is an author of #88lovelife book, and Kak Dinda Puspitasari does the illustration. I personally like those two because they are super cute, creative, independent, and happy with their own personal style. Most importnatly, they can inspire other girls, especially me. 

photo by Diana Rikasari
Allahumma bariklana fima rozaktana wa qina 'azabannar

Kak Di and Kak Dins sharing session
photp by leamaulida
Shoes-selfie with Kak Diana and Kak Dinda
I got my book signed. Thx double D.

#88lovelifeSOIREE fellas. See you next timey, sweeties!

Thank you #88lovelife and Emina Cosmetics.
Thank you Kak Di and Kak Dins, hope to see you again someday.
Thank you so much Jogja for making my weekend well-spent. I was suppa happy and would be back really soon.

Minggu, 08 Mei 2016

#88LOVELIFE vol.2

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Halooo kak @dianarikasari and kak @dindaps, I hope you will always be happy and stay inspiring. Thank you so much for those two inspiring books that inspire me.

Well, now it is about #88LOVELIFE vol. 2. 

What I love about the book are (of course) the contents and the illustrations. The contents are always be my motivation and inspiration, and I cannot take my eyes over the illustrations. Those are so chic and colorful.

There are 88 quotes about love and life in the book and they are so "menggemashkan" for me. How come those quotes almost match with my everyday life. I would like to rip the paper one by one and stick them on the wall if I could. The quote on page 13 is my favorite. I like making people laugh, and I am happy when they laugh. Smile, because it is sunnah. Oww, this quote also reminds me of that hadist. It brings me to the way how to treat the people positively, and never differentiate them. So, let's smile to everyone ( even they are strangers )

And, here is the quote:

Dear God, 
Thank you for creating such a magical piece known as a "smile". It's indescribable, the feeling when someone smiles at you sincerely, and their eyes sparkle as they do so. No matter how close, no matter how much of a stranger, a sincere smile just melts the heart.

Like #88LOVELIFE vol. 1, #88LOVELIFE vol. 2 is also full of illustrations. They are so cutie. The illustration on page 12, 14, and 16 are my favorite. I love yellow and flowers, and that illustration really calms me. 

Actually there are some of my stories that connect with #88LOVELIFE vol. 2. Here is one of them.

I was a picky girl a long time ago. I only chose them who looked good and fitted me to be my friends. I did not easily smile to random persons, just them who I liked. I did not mind if they called "si galak" or "si jutek", and I still laughed out load with those who closed to me. Time passed, I grew older and met so many new people. I started to be a better person cause I knew what I did in the past is wrong. OMG started being nice was totally a piece of cake actually, but then a question came out; "Was I being nice to them sincerely?" "Is that okay if I smile to strangers even they do not smile at me back?" and soon. Day by day, I almost found some people (that I did not know) smile at me when they passed me by. They seemed okay and happy to that, and I am totally sure that they do no think about getting the response. Then I got my #88LOVELIFE vol. 2 and read one of the quotes. It really motivates me and the quote gets rid of my hesitation of how to be good to a person sincerely. How to smile nicely to them even they are strangers. The quote is incredibly true. The smile melts my heart. My day is brighter just because of someone's smile.

And Kak Di is right. Change is good. But no matter how much I have and will change, I shall never forget to believe in kindness, and believe that happiness is just around the corner.

Thank you so much Kak Di, Kak Din, and #88LOVELIFE

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.


me :)